The renovated tower of Jelgava’s Holy Trinity Church offers interactive and fascinating historical exhibitions, a panoramic view of Jelgava and tourist information.

The content of the exhibitions was created by historians Jānis Šiliņš, Edīte Parute, Jelgava State City Municipality, Ģederts Eliass Jelgavas Museum of History and Art, Jelgava Regional Tourism Centre.

The exhibitions are located on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of the Tower. They are designed as a contemporary interior installation, where the exhibits are complemented by the latest technologies integrated in multimedia.

The conceptual motto of the exhibitions “Dual Reality” provides an opportunity to discover information gradually, inviting to explore the stories of history through different senses – to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, feel the lost Jelgava.

The 3rd floor exhibition “Jelgava in Time Turns” tells about the history and symbols of the city from its foundation to the present day, notable citizens, lost Jelgava pearls and modern achievements. The model “Lost Jelgava” in the centre of the room uses augmented reality to show the layout of Jelgava in different periods as a real-time video. 

The 4th floor exhibition “Fashion in Jelgava through the centuries” reflects the traditions and fashion trends in Jelgava during different periods of history, with a special emphasis on the fashion of wedding dresses. The highlight of this exhibition is a “fashion show” of historical costumes in a contemporary style, which gives visitors a sense of presence in the events of the past. Both ladies and gentlemen can interactively try on a wedding dress, take a photograph and send it electronically. “The Jewellery Chest invites you to discover and digitally try on historical jewelry, as well as to draw and digitally try on your own jewelry.

The 5th floor exhibition “The Story of Jelgava Holy Trinity Church” is dedicated to the history of the most important “exhibit” – the former church, lost architectural and interior values. Visitors are given the opportunity to experience the events of the past by listening to five audio stories, accompanied by a specially created sound design. In this exhibition hall, visitors are invited to forget the routine and worries of everyday life and reflect on timeless values and the passage of life in a meditative atmosphere. 

Jelgava, Akadēmijas iela 1. Go there and discover new horizons.